Returner initiatives: Getting people back to work after a career break

Reserve a copy of the discussion from our upcoming round table.


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Many returner programmes didn’t run as a result of Covid. Many women dropped out of the workplace as a result of caring responsibilities, significant numbers of workers have been furloughed for long periods and older workers have been hard hit by redundancy and face more problems to get back to work after redundancy. All of this means the numbers of people looking to re-start their careers after a break, whether forced or unforced, are likely to be higher.

This month we will be hosting our Returner Initiatives: Getting people back to work after a career break round table, sponsored by Tech Returners and Executive Coaching Consulting.  We will look at how returner initiatives – anything from a large-scale programme to supported individual posts – can help and how learnings from them might be used in other settings for people coming back to work after a long break.

Area for discussion will include:

Making the business case – covering everything from skills shortages and diversity and inclusion, including addressing the gender pay gap, to the need for a multigenerational workforce.

Programme make-up – including timing and length, mentoring, access to senior leaders, line manager training, supported posts and different types of initiatives.

Outreach/recruitment – covering what works to encourage people to apply, how and where to promote initiatives, how to link initiatives to [flexible] job openings and rebuilding confidence.

Ongoing support – from cohort groups to employee network groups.

Review and evaluation – incorporating feedback, promoting success stories and scaling up.

If you would like a document of the discussion, request a copy of the white paper below.

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